About Konoito


How My Journey With Aizome Began...

Konoito’s indigo farm in Japan

Konoito’s indigo farm in Japan

I was drawn to the color of Aizome (indigo dye) which is compatible with cotton.
I wanted to dye Konoito’s unbleached cotton fabric, which owes its existence to enzymes, with the indigo.

- Tomoyo Yamazaki, Founder

Authentic Chemical-Free Japanese Aizome.

Konoito is Commited to Being Chemical Free.

What I discovered was that there were many factories that applied chemical agents (caustic soda, hydro) onto the raw ingredient of Aizome—Sukumo—to manufacture the dye. Some of those factories even added the indigo color additive afterwards.

- Tomoyo Yamazaki, Founder

Our Philosophy

Soothing to our mind and body.

At KONOITO, we envision a thread that connects humans to things, and humans to happenings.

KONOITO is a creator of many “things” and “happenings.”

Now is the time to take stock of our surroundings and start to live with more intention.


Our Products.

By harnessing the power of enzymes, the cotton products of Konoito achieve both the gentle touch of natural cotton and the rapid absorption of water and sweat.
Konoito products transform our worry over skin matter into a sense of reassurance.

Whether you have eczema or whether you have a baby, rest assured, you no longer have to worry about how your skin would react.

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konoito Inc.

Address: 182-1 Yoshii-town Ukiha-City, Fukuoka 839-1321 Japan
Capital: 10 million yen
Representative: Tomoyo Yamazaki

From Ukiha City - Fukuoka, Japan.